
Our Responsibility.

We take the protection of young people and vulnerable adults seriously. Part of our club charter is to be inclusive and diverse at all times, so we welcome individuals from all backgrounds and ages to get involved with club activities, so we have a robust and dedicated approach to safeguarding individuals in our club at all times.

Dedicated Safeguarding Contact.

Our dedicated safeguarding officers are Jordan Bell and Stephen Robbs, and all concerns within the group should be raised officially using the following contact information;


This mailbox is monitored and controlled solely by our safeguarding officer at all times, and any relevant concerns will be assessed and forwarded to the Wiltshire Council Safeguarding Team immediately.

If the safeguarding circumstances directly impacts any committee member within the club, these concerns should be raised with Wiltshire Council directly, and not reported to the club's safeguarding officer.

Wiltshire Council Safeguarding Contact

Emergencies; If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, dial 999 and report the incident to the relevant authorities.

Non-Emergency; For advice and contact, where the incident isn't life-threatening, please contact Wiltshire Council's safeguarding advice line on 0300 456 0111.

For out-of-hours support, please call the out-of-hours safeguarding team on 0300 456 0100 or use the Online Form to make a referral.

Inclusion and Diversity - Vulnerable Adults & U18s

We are committed to being an inclusive and diverse club, so we have dedicated personnel on our team for ensuring young people and vulnerable adults are safe when undertaking club activities. Any activity where young or vulnerable people may be present is risk-assessed prior, and any guardians are notified of every step of the activity.

Are you a parent/guardian with further questions?

We welcome your feedback or queries at any time, where one of our committee members will be in touch to explain further.