
Feel like getting involved?

Our club is non-profit, and to arrange our club activities, trips and equipment etc, we rely on memberships and donations from our incredible community.

If you have an active BCA membership, and our annual subscription package doesn't make sense for you as an individual, we're always extremely greatful for donations that contribute towards our plans for the year.

Donation transparency

We aim to be open and transparent about the breakdown of how your donations are used, see below for an example of what your contribution will help us with!

What does your contribution do for us?

Gets us underground

We can plan, arrange, and take our members on exciting underground adventures, including local and further-afield.

Covers equipment

Puts the very helmets on our heads, or harnesses on our bodies. It also allows us to offer experiences to less-experienced cavers in a safe, well-equipped way!

Supports mileage

Some underground explores require travelling further-afield, and we aim to minimise our environmental impact by sharing vehicles where possible, so some of your contribution will help cover the costs of fuel and keep on-trip expenses low.

Stock Photos have been used for graphic/decorative purposes only, no individuals depicted in imagery on this page are, in any way, affiliated with us.